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Guidelines for Authors

Thank you for your interest in submitting an article to the Ukrainian Journal of Business Law. We welcome the articles which illuminate legal problems or issues currently confronted by the government, private enterprises, law firms, etc, by setting them within general legal or business context. Remember that you are writing a contribution to which we have certain stylistic requirements. All articles are submitted on speculation; we do not guarantee publication. Articles must be original; we will not publish articles that have been published elsewhere. When submitting an article, please also mind the following:

All articles are published in English.
Deadlines are firm. For precise dates please look our Editorial Calendar. Our schedules and production requirements may change; therefore, we reserve the right to publish any article in a different issue than the one for which it was submitted.
Unless otherwise indicated by the editor, the articles must be maximum 13 000 characters with spaces.
Form of Submission
Please provide two typed or word processed double-spaced manuscripts with wide margins. Manuscripts may be submitted on disc (as MS Word files) or by e-mail to
Author's Personal Info
Please include phone and fax numbers, e-mail, and a brief biographical note with the author's professional status. We also need the author's photo for the publication.
The article should be of interest to experts in the field but also easily understood by non-specialists. Please explain references and terms that may not be easily recognized. The article should highlight recent developments which should be mentioned in the lead. All articles must be written in third person. Avoid "you," "I," "our," and the imperative tense. The editors will write the headlines and any subheads that may appear. Your suggestions are helpful but not binding.
The editors will consult the author about substantive changes to the copy. We reserve the right to copy-edit according to the UJBL style without notice to the author. Before publication, the editors may send edited material for the author's final proof. Authors receive one complementary issue. Additional copies may be ordered at the cost of reproduction.

The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law

P.O.Box 627, Kiev-019, 01019, Ukraine
Telephone: +380 (0)44 495-2727
Telefax: +380 (0)44 495-2777

The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law

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